
Wednesday, 29 May 2013

*Get Your Permanently Deleted Files Back* Yes it's true. 

Data Recovery Software

DataRecovery could be the key that lets you undelete files that have been deleted by accident. This application is able to analyze your hard-drive (supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS) and locate files that have been deleted, offering you the option to undelete them.

How is this possible? Simple: because Windows doesn't actually delete files without overwriting the part of the physical disk where the file was located. With this program, retrieving deleted files will not always be possible, but it may just be enough to get what you want.



Tuesday, 28 May 2013

How I Make $3000+ Daily from Adworkmedia  ... and YOU can DO it TOO

A no-brainer how-to guide through the whole process of earnings

thousands of dollars with Adworkmedia. These methods might be

considered black-hat by some people... I wouldn't though... It's all
about Youtube marketing and viral social media marketing..


Monday, 27 May 2013

Adfly Bot, Linkbucks Bot, Auto Clicker, Auto surfer, No Survey,No Password, Free Download

I know, most users are finding bots like crazy, some bots, who will surf automatically, after giving a list of url. Yes, I was also one of them. And I found that most of them requires to complete a survey.... That is reduculas to me.. I hate survey, as like as you do... So, after searching and searching, I was able to get some  bots. Now I am going to share them with you. I think it will help you. Lets BEGIN....

1. Bucks Bot

Yes, the screencaps will tell you everything. You have to put the LinkBucks URL and the PROXY, then set the delay time and # of repeats, then just start the bot and do your other work... This BOT will surf all of those links one by one through the proxy and will make some delay. You can check it is working or not by clicking the Browser tab.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

★★ Get 1000 daily clicks on Adf.ly ★★ - 100% Automatic and easy to do!


2. Create a free account

3. Login
4. Click on "Add Site/Page"
5. Select "Traffic Exchange" and enter your adf.ly link, click "Add Page"
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